The Light Colour Sound, best of 2019. Part 3
We’re on a boat…
We headed to Greece with WL Media and Borrow a Boat to shoot their new commercial. Borrow a boat is a peer to peer app that allows owners and customers who want to sail connect and access boating easily. It’s a great concept and the shoot had all the hall marks of a great production.
3 stunning boats sailing around the Greek coastline in perfect sunshine. Whats not to like.
We arrived late in the night and after putting a lot of kit into a small dingy we boarded a stunning Catamaran. This would be one of the boats used in the shoot and also our home for the week. We loaded the kit away and were shown to our cabins. I use the words cabin very loosely.
Due to limited space and sharing the boat with the owners of BAB and their marketing team. We were in the crew cabins in bow of the boat. These were two 6ft x 3ft tubes that you accessed by a hatch in the top. Both Tim (DOP) and myself (Hi, its Ben) jumped into our tubes and after a good 18 hours of travelling were exhausted. This was one of those moments that makes a shoot. We had portholes that looked into each others cabins. As we got ready to sleep and found that changing in a 6ft x 3 space isn’t that easy we caught each others eye any burst into laughter. A good team makes a production.
As is the nature of the industry, you travel last minute, arrive late. Get up early spend all day everyday with each other and that sense of humour and team work is really important. At LCS we have a small and close team of friends and family. Sam and Tim are brothers and I have known both of them for over 10 years.
At Light Colour Sound we strive to provide the highest quality without having to have lots of crew. On this shoot we used a crew of two who worked as multiple roles to achieve the clients brief. DOP, Producer, Drone, Water unit, DIT, and comedians. We came away with a drive full of amazing rushes, a very happy client and some solid sea legs. We wont miss those cabins but its those moments that make these shoots memorable.
The post production went to an external company who produced the edit from our rushes.
Borrow a Boat - Find yours shot by Light Colour Sound in association with WL Media for Borrow a Boat.
The owners of Borrow a Boat were great hosts and also doubled as the on screen talent.